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2025 Season Start information

Welcome to the 2025 Puna Canoe Club Season!

We’re excited to kick off another great year on the water! Mark your calendars for these important dates:

  • Canoe Weigh-In: Feb. 21 @ 3PM (Location TBD).
  • Annual General Membership Meeting & Registration: Mar. 10 @ 5PM at the hālau.
  • Hālau Work Day: Mar. 15 – Let’s come together to clean, organize, and prepare for the season!
  • First Practice: Mar. 31 @5PM.

The 2025 HCRA waiver must be signed by all paddlers, and you can download a copy https://www.hcrapaddler.com/homeinfo/2025/2025%20HCRA%20waiver%20FILLABLE.pdf

The Moku O Hawaiʻi 2025 race schedule can be seen at https://www.punacanoeclub.org/raceschedule/

Membership Fees:

  • Adult: $150 (Cash/Check) or $155 (Online via paypal).
  • Youth: $50 (Jersey not included).
  • OC Stall Fees: $150 .
    • Please only pay this if you have already been assigned an OC stall. See Sue O’Shaughnessy for information regarding the wait list.

Paddlers with a canoe stored in the OC stalls: stay tuned for details on upcoming work to extend and repair older sections.

Jersey info will be coming out soon.

Hālau Workday – Saturday, March 23rd at Noon

Aloha Puna Canoe Club,

Just a heads up, Coach Afa wants to hold a workday this Saturday, March 23rd, starting at noon. We’re going to mālama our hālau area by:
    1.    Getting rid of the rotten logs along the parking lot.
    2.    Install and paint metal posts in that location.
    3.    Spruce up the yard area

To tackle these tasks effectively, bring along the following tools and anything else you think might come in handy.
    •    Shovels & Rakes
    •    Paintbrushes & paint pan
    •    Work gloves

Your participation will make a big difference. Looking forward to seeing everyone there and working together to enhance our space! Let’s make it a productive and fun afternoon!

Catch you all soon!

2024 Season Start information

With World Sprints being hosted in Hilo this year, we’re starting the season early!

General information

The club general meeting will be Thursday Feb 22nd at 5pm at the halau. If you can, please go to https://www.punacanoeclub.org/waiver-form/ and complete, print, sign, and bring with you a 2024 HCRA waiver along with $120 registration dues. You should also pay your $120 OC1 halau dues (only for those already allocated a storage spot).

Jersey order forms will also be available at the meeting.

If you’re interested in world sprints, please also bring your original passport to the general meeting.

If you prefer, you can instead pay with paypal (includes additional fee) at https://www.punacanoeclub.org/membership-info/registration-payments/


You can find the 2024 waiver at https://www.punacanoeclub.org/waiver-form/ . If you can, please print, sign, date and bring this with you to the general membership meeting or your first practice.


Adult practices will start for everyone on Monday Feb 26th, aiming to be on the water at 5pm (so arrive from 4.30 to 4.45 please!)

Keiki Program

The keiki practices have already started. Currently they are having practice on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 3.30pm, but that is expected to change at the beginning of March.

Race Schedule

The Moku O Hawaiʻi regatta and long distance schedule is not yet fully confirmed.

Please note however that trials for the Hawaii World Sprints teams will be in Hilo on April 27th and 28th 2024 . IVF World Sprints Championship is in Hilo, August 13th through August 24th 2024.

Fee schedule

  • Keiki: $50 each, includes a club jersey
  • Adult: $120 each
  • OC1 storage: $120 for the year
  • Adult club jerseys and additional kids jersey prices TBD.

You can pay by cash or check in person, or by using the paypal links on the the registration page linked below; however, there is an extra $5 cost to cover the paypal fees on payments for adults.


Paypal payment can be done at https://www.punacanoeclub.org/membership-info/registration-payments

2023 Season Information

Adult Program

The club general meeting will be Monday March 20th at 5pm at the halau. Registration fees can be paid in cash or cheque at that time. (Photo ID also required).

Adult practices will start for everyone on Monday March 27th, aiming to be on the water at 5pm (so arrive from 4.30 to 4.45 please!)

Novice B practices (for beginners) have already started, and are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at 5pm.

Keiki Program

The keiki practices have already started.

  • boys practice is Tuesday & Thursday at 3:30 pm
  • girls practice is Monday & Wednesday at 3:30 pm
  • Specials practice (12 & under) is Thursdays 3:30 pm

OC1 Storage

For those members with assigned OC1 storage at the halau, rent for 2023 is due on April 20th. If you are not going to register to race this season with Puna you will need to find alternative storage for your canoe and remove it from the halau by that date. We have a waiting list of people who want spots! Please note that OC1 storage is currently full, do not pay for this unless you have already been assigned a stall. Please attend the general meeting for more information about joining the wait list.

Fee schedule

  • Keiki racers: $50 each, includes a club jersey
  • Adult racers: $120 each
  • OC1 storage: $120 for the year
  • Adult club jerseys and additional kids jersey prices TBD.

You can pay by cash or check in person, or by using the paypal links on the the registration page linked below; however, there is an extra $5 cost to cover the paypal fees on payments for adults.

Race Schedule

The 2023 Moku O Hawaiʻi schedule of regattas and long distance races can be found at http://mokuohawaii.com/documents/2023Schedule.pdf


Paypal payment can be done at https://www.punacanoeclub.org/membership-info/registration-payments/

Aloha PCC! Tuesday March 25, 2019

Parents, please come to the General Membership meeting tonight (March 25th) at 5:00pm. Puna halau at Bay front. You will need to sign waivers, etc…

First keiki practice is this Friday 3/29 4pm-5:30pm

Regular practice days/times for the keiki crews will start next week and schedules will be confirmed at tonights meeting but its looking like practices will be Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays 3:30pm-5pm.

There is NO practice for the kids today, just the adults. Adults, bring your oc1 gear if you have.

See you on the water!

Sunday 03/24

Mahalo to everyone that was able to help rig our wa’a yesterday! ❤️

And just a reminder… open women and all masters women practice today at 11:00 👍 see you on the water!

P.S. Dont forget Mondays (March 25th) practice and GMM at 5:00pm! If you cant make it for some reason, please tell coach! Not just each other and not Facebook 😜

2019 Regatta Season

Aloha Paddlers!

General Membership Meeting / First day of practice will begin on March 25, 2019 @ 5pm. Waiver Forms and Registrations forms will be available there also. If you haven’t payed for your OC-1 stalls and/or dues, please bring down the necessary payment requirements or pay online! Photo ID to be provided for verification & Registration.

Puna Canoe Club

Thank You & Hope to see you soon!

Puna Canoe Club Fundraiser

Aloha ! Puna Canoe Club will be conducting a fundraiser. Chicken and/or chicken salad plates will be available on June 30, 2018 at hilo bayfront. Contact us or any Puna Canoe Club member to get your tickets.


Thank you in advance!

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